[more recent]
Sven Jung, Stefan Ferber, Irene Cramer, Wolfgang Bronner, and Felix Wortmann (2021): Bosch IoT Suite: Exploiting the Potential of Smart Connected Products. In: Oliver Gassmann and Fabrizio Ferrandina (Hrsg): Create Value in a Networked Economy. Cham: Springer.
Cramer, Irene & Govindarajan, Prakash & Martin, Minu & Savinov, Alexandr & Shekhawat, Arun & Staerk, Alexander & Thirugnana, Appasamy (2018): Detecting Anomalies in Device Event Data in the IoT. 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2018).
Cramer, Irene & Govindarajan, Prakash & Martin, Minu & Savinov, Alexandr & Shekhawat, Arun & Staerk, Alexander & Thirugnana, Appasamy (2017): Cloud Service for Detecting Anomalies in IoT Data. 6th Bosch Conference on Systems and Software Engineering (BoCSE 2017).
Irene Cramer, Jana Bonberg, and Anna-Lena Kessler (2011): Definitionen in Wortnetzen: Definitionstypen, lexikalisch-semantische Relationen und Ideen zur automatischen Erweiterung am Beispiel von GermaNet. In: Schmitz, U. (ed.): Zwischen Sozio- und Computerlinguistik. SDV – Sprache und Datenverarbeitung. International Journal for Language Data Processing. Volume 35, Number 1. 59-73.
Irene Cramer, Tonio Wandmacher, and Uli Waltinger (2011): Exploring Resources for Lexical Chaining: A Comparison of Automated Semantic Relatedness Measures and Human Judgements. In: Mehler, A. / Kühnberger, K.-U. / Lobin, H. / Lüngen, H. / Storrer, A. / Witt, A. (eds.): Modeling, Learning and Processing of Text Technological Data Structures. Dordrecht: Springer.
Irene M. Cramer (2011): Two Reputedly Opposed Approaches: On the Integration of Business Rules and Data Mining. White Paper. Bosch Software Innovations, Immenstaad, Lake Constance.
Irene M. Cramer (2010): Definitionen in Wörterbuch und Text. Zur manuellen Annotation, korpusgestützten Analyse und automatischen Extraktion definitorischer Textsegmente im Kontext der computergestützten Lexikographie. PhD Thesis. Faculty of Cultural Studies, TU Dortmund University. Published February 2011 in Eldorado, the online repository of TU Dortmund University, the thesis is available at http://hdl.handle.net/2003/27628.
Irene Cramer, Mike Haller, and Stefanie Peitzker (2010): Usability und Prozess-Ergonomie: Business-Rules-Management-Systeme und ihre Nutzer. In: Java Magazin, Number 10.2010.
Stefanie Peitzker, Irene Cramer, and Mario Anders (2010): Effizient zum Ergebnis navigieren. Regeltypen als Methode einsetzen. In: Java Magazin, Number 9.2010.
Stefanie Peitzker and Irene Cramer (2010): Voll durchstarten mit dem Regelprojekt. In: Java Magazin, Number 5.2010.
Uli Waltinger, Irene Cramer, and Tonio Wandmacher (2009): From Social Networks to Distributional Properties: A Comparative Study on Computing Semantic Relatedness. In: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2009). Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Irene Cramer, Marc Finthammer, Alexander Kurek, Lukas Sowa, Melina Wachtling, and Tobias Claas (2009): Experiments on Lexical Chaining for German Corpora: Annotation, Extraction, and Application. In: Lüngen, H. / Mehler, A. / Storrer, A. (eds.): Ontologies and Semantic Lexica in Automated Discourse Analysis. Journal for Language Technology and Computational Linguistics, 24(2).
Irene Cramer (2008): How Well Do Semantic Relatedness Measures Perform? A Meta-Study. In: Bos, J. / Delmonte, R. (eds). Semantics in Text Processing: STEP 2008 Conference Proceedings (Research in Computational Semantics). London: College Publications. 59-70.
Irene Cramer and Marc Finthammer (2008): Tools for Exploring GermaNet in the Context of CL-Teaching. In: Text Resources and Lexical Knowledge. Selected Papers form the 9th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2008). Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Irene Cramer (2008): Finding General-Language Definitions in Corpora: Conceptual Design and Annotation. In: KONVENS 2008 – Ergänzungsband Textressourcen und lexikalisches Wissen. Zentrum Sprache BBAW: Berlin. 9-19.
Marc Finthammer and Irene Cramer (2008): Exploring and Navigating: Tools for GermaNet. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2008). Marrakech, Marocco. Paris: ELRA.
Maik Stührenberg, Daniela Goecke, Nils Diewald, Irene Cramer, Alexander Mehler (2007): Web-based Annotation of Anaphoric Relations and Lexical Chains. In: Proceedings of the Linguistic Annotation Workshop, ACL 2007.
Irene Cramer, Barbara Rauch, Hagen Fuerstenau, Dan Shen, Maria Staudte (2007): Predicting Classification Decisions with Data Point Based Meta-Learning. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining, MLDM 2007, July 18-20, 2007 Leipzig/Germany.
Irene Cramer, Stefan Schacht, and Andreas Merkel (2007): Classifying Number Expressions in German Corpora. In: Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the German Classification Society on Data Analysis, Machine Learning, and Applications (GfKl), 2007.
Irene Cramer and Sabine Schulte im Walde (eds.) (2006): Computerlinguistik und Sprachtechnologie. Eine Studienbibliographie. Herausgegeben im Auftrag des Instituts für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim. Stauffenberg Verlag, Brigitte Narr GmbH, Tübingen. (companion web page)
Irene Cramer, Jochen L. Leidner, and Dietrich Klakow (2006): Building an Evaluation Corpus for German Question Answering by Harvesting Wikipedia. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC) 2006.
Adriana Davidescu, Andrea Heyl, Stefan Kazalski, Irene Cramer, and Dietrich Klakow (2006): Classifying German Questions according to Ontology-Based Question Types. In: Prceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the German Classification Society (GfKl), 2006.
Irene M. Cramer (2005): Das Menzerathsche Gesetz. In: R. Köhler, G. Altmann, R. Piotrowski (eds.) Quantitative Linguistik – Quantitative Linguistics. HSK. Ein Internationales Handbuch – An International Handbook. Walter De Gruyter, Berlin, New York.
Irene M. Cramer (2005): The Parameters of the Altmann-Menzerath Law. In: Journal of Quantitative Linguistics. Volume 12, Number 1. 41-52.
Shravan Vasishth, Irene Cramer, Christoph Scheepers, Joel Wagner (2003): Can Increasing Head-dependent Distance Facilitate Processing? Poster presented at the CUNY sentence processing conference, MIT, USA, 2003.
[misc resources]
Annotation and automatic extraction of definitions (i.e. selected assets & results of my PhD research project):
- Annotation guidelines (in German)
- Corpus of sentences (potential defintions) extracted from the German Wacky corpus (deWaC version 2008) and lexical-syntactic extraction patterns: 3 Zip-archives and a Read Me file (.xls).
Lexical chaining and thematic indexing: HyTex project information